The appearance of your skin reflects your mood. Time for a multimineral cocktail! A mix of magnesium, zinc, and copper restores vitality and energy to your skin’s balance. In addition, it acts as an antioxidant. It consistently wards off free radicals but allows the active ingredients in the Tonique Hydratant toner to develop their effect. Valuable minerals make tired skin happy and smooth again. The skin acts like a sponge that sucks up the long-chain hyaluronic acid in Tonique Hydratant, seals it in the skin, and gradually releases it. Fresh, tight, healthy, radiant, and an even complexion – the epitome of perfect skin!
The unique hydration concept of La Biosthétique works on a cell biology level and directly influences:
- The moisture-binding and storage in the skin
- The moisture formation by the body’s own mechanisms